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A Balanced Life

Congratulations you have decided that you want to take that plunge and start planning on the transition to the next phase of life. It used to be called retirement but I now relegated that word to people in nursing homes or who have had major life changes that no longer allow them to contribute.

Remember, life has three phases, Learning, Earning and Returning. This is all about the Returning phase. This is the first of five discussions on transitioning to a life of returning all that you have received in life.

Making this transition requires that you also make some lifestyle adjustments. No, I am not talking about becoming a hermit, or having to figure out how you will survive living on the street because you have no money.

I am talking about the things you will experience that first day as you transition out of the earning phase. Items you will experience as loss of identity and purpose, maybe you were a doctor, lawyer, or Indian Chief. A business leader, politician, caption of industry or some other position.

Transitioning from a work centric life focused on Success defined by money, power or status to one focused on becoming more outwardly concerned for those around you. Helping those who have stumbled or providing structure so others don’t stumble in life. Helping make life better for other people.

Transitioning from a lifestyle where you are always on the go, and have activities to attend and another dollar to earn, to a more relaxed approach to life. Taking life and enjoying it one day at a time.

Not letting yourself become socially isolated when you make the transition from earning to returning by sharing your gifts with others. Keeping up your interactions with colleagues and friends even though you are not seeing them in business every day.

Last, not becoming disengaged with those around you and your community.

I hope you will join me on this trip. Next Friday I will touch upon the financial issues that happen when making the transition.

Last, remember life is for living and enjoying, you can’t save it and store it in the bank because you don’t know what the future will bring. If you think about these changes, you will find that you will really enjoy the returning phase of life.

I am here to help coach you on living life with gusto and to help you to keep moving forward with your plans on enjoying life. Want more ideas, sign up for our classes, join in the discussion and become part of our community about life after working at

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Robert Patterson,

Certified Facilitator 


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