This is a membership Morsel from “Too Young to Retire”. Today, we are continuing to talk about Wellness and health and how it affects you.

This is an exert from an article written by Bill Ryan on The Art of Feeling Chi: Mind. Body, and Life Energy.
“Many people have trouble feeling their bodies.
Many people have trouble feeling their chi, or what I call ‘life energy.’
Why? There can be many reasons. But one common reason is that many people don’t slow their minds down when they try to feel.
Your physical body and your life energy are forms of energy. Modern physics has proven your physical body to be so. As physicists have delved deeper and deeper into the fundamental nature of physical matter, they have found not solid particles, but waves of energy.

As for your life energy – your chi, your prana, your ki, the energy which enables your body to perform its basic functions, the energy that is the prime focus of Chinese medicine – mainstream scientists have yet to accept its existence. But in everyday life its existence is not questioned. Who cannot answer accurately the question we ask ourselves everyday, how much energy do I have today?”
Do you take time to slow down and feel the energy that your body has? Have you investigated the Eastern arts as yoga, Chi, or other forms where you slow down your mind and occupy your body and your life energy?
It is being conscience of what is going on in your body and life. Taking time to reflect on what is going well and what needs improvement and making changes that will bless you with a more thought centered life.
By being part of the 2 Young 2 Retire you will learn what these strategies are and meet other people who practice them. You can find out if they are of interest to you.
There are so many things you will learn that you should never run out of options. Sign up for our classes, join in the discussion and become part of our community about life after working at
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