Bedpans and Diapers
The calendar says I am 72 but my mind says I am still 20. How about you? Do you struggle with a disconnect between your mental and physical realities? Most of us do.
I remember talking to my father-in-law when he was in his mid-90’s and he was lamenting that mentally he was in his mid-20’s but reality said otherwise and he struggled with a lot of things he could no longer do. How about you?
Are health concerns stealing what you want to do in the future? Was the last vacation you took at City Memorial Hospital with a 3-week side trip afterward to the City Physical Rehabilitation Center?

In the returning phase of life, we cannot always plan on having everything go according to plan. Life like business seldom goes according to plan. I had a business friend tell me that he has written these great business plans.
Then when he got the business up and running, he felt he could have thrown away the plan because everything had changed. It’s the same with life, you have this great plan of what is going to happen during your returning phase of life.
You had all these great trips and accomplishments and life says something different. Do you throw everything out the window and go mop in the corner.
NO, you look at what you want to accomplish and figure out how the plan needs to be modified. Life is the same way, rewrite that plan and keep moving forward in the direction you want to go.
My father-in-law didn’t get a high school diploma till he retired at 65. He earned it the first year after he retired. He traced his family back to the 900’s in Europe.
He became an expert on the History of the Mohawk Valley and was even quoted in several books as the expert who helped the writer resolve issues that the writer needed clarification on. Did he have significance?
YES. He helped people understand where some of them came from and what difficulties they encountered. No matter what your health concerns are there is always something you can do.
There is always time to obtain significance in areas you love if you apply yourself and have a plan. Whatever your health concerns are you can still find that you will really enjoy retirement if you pursue your passion with forethought.
I am here to help coach you on living life with gusto and to help you to keep moving forward with your plans on enjoying life. Want more ideas, sign up for our classes, join in the discussion and become part of our community about life after working at
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