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Can you see the Birds on the box?

This is another piece of public art that most people don’t even know exists in my town. Like the traffic box that was posted in my blog on February 11, 2023.

When I drive by it all I see is a couple of wings, some stripes and a red background. I guess its birds of some sort but what is the big picture?

As I drive by I don’t have time to look because I am paying attention to the other drivers. The traffic light, and pedestrians.

Why were these painted and for what purpose? Is it telling me a story? Is there some safety message I am missing?

It appears not. They appear to be there to be pleasing objects, like a statue or flower garden.

I had to stop what I was doing (driving) to see what the big vision of the artist was. I had to slow down and walk around it to get the full picture.

Are you so busy that you never slow down to see where you are going or reflect on what the full picture is. Was you vision written years and years ago and you have never taken time to re-examine it?

Lets sit down and see where it is that you really what to go and how you want to get there. Contact me and lets revisit your vision and mission statements and then make sure everyone knows where the company is going.

The full picture is below.

I give seminars on creating or revisiting what your companies vision is and how to use it to craft your mission statement and your business plan on where you want to go.

Contact me at .

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