Easter has just happened, we celebrated Jesus raising up from the dead. Do you embrace this event? Do you know how it applies to you?
The Melanesians of the new Hebrides content that the first humans never died, they cast off our old skins and came out with youth renewed. We lost our immortality because we refused to shed our old skins, to placate the ignorance of those we loved, and we lost access to the eternal.

Maybe Jesus was telling us that if we want eternal life, then we have to shed our old ways of thinking. We have to cast off our dead skin which can not feel, dead eyes which can’t see, dead ears which can’t hear.
With people, dead skin, eyes, & ears take many forms. These include challenging our ways of thinking & believing, not being able to see events from different perspectives, not being open to new experiences. Paradoxically, those of us who refuse such renewal will, sooner or later, be forced to undergo a transformation. This will not necessarily be at a time of their choosing.
Living is both wonderous and dangerous. Our best chance to survive change is being willing to cast off, shed that which no longer serves its purpose. We have to Recognize that we should not give up our right to renewal just because it causes anxiety with those around us.
Jesus cast off his old body, which had been beat up and broken to gain eternal life. What parts of your life are you willing to cast off to renew your life? This is a tough issue because many of us can’t see where we need to change because we are fully incased in our old skin.
Have you tried casting off your old ways of thinking? Have you considered what you don’t need so that you will be able to embrace your new life?
If you think about these changes, you will find that you may really enjoy retirement. I am here to help you live life with gusto and to help you to keep pushing forward with your plans on enjoying life.
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