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Does Lent Celebrate Corporate Vision?

Lent is looked upon as a time of repentance and grief and leads up to Jesus’s crucifixion in 40 days. Hence, ashes are placed on the forehead, or you give up something. A new approach is to divest something.

The feeling is that this is a period to contemplate the eventual death and the grief that is associated with the death of Jesus. The story goes on to talk about the loss of the corporate vision that the apostles had as they looked to the future with no Jesus to lead them in the enterprise.

This is the same grief that all people go through when they lose a loved one. Its universal because we get lulled into thinking that world will never change, but it does whether we want it to or not.

A corporation grows and adopts to the ever-changing business world and struggles with the same issues people have. People in corporations think that the world will never change and they don’t reexamine the corporate vision or what is needed to keep their company relevant.

If you look at the vision that Jesus was pursuing you would have struggled with the question the Apostles had which was "Where do we go now that Jesus is dead?" For three days they struggled with that question, what should they do since the loss of their leader.

It was when Jesus came back from the dead that he re-articulated what Gods vision had been and Jesus gave the Disciples a mission statement on how to achieve that.

Re-read the February 25th Blog on what the Vision and Mission Statements do.

Its been two thousand years since it was written and it is still being used and followed.

Will your Companies vision and mission statement still be guiding your company after two thousand years? Lets explore that idea together.

If you do not think it will why not contact me and lets revisit your vision, who you are serving and where you want your company to go.

I give seminars on creating or revisiting what your companies vision is and how to use it to craft your mission statement and your business plan on where you want to go.

Contact me at .

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Robert Patterson,

Certified Facilitator 


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