“Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.” Francis Chan
When you transition from the earning phase to the returning phase of life have you ever stopped to think about what would make your life significant? The real question is are you focused on yourself or others?
In today’s culture the focus seems to be on finding ways to please ourselves, have a good time, get all we can by any means possible. This slowly becomes self-destructive as you lose sight of what really matters.
A drug addict would be a good example, when they start on the path of addiction they are usually still productive members of society. As they progress further and further on the addiction path they lose their sense of morals, what really matters and soon they don’t even take care of themselves.
You could say they have been really successful in fully experiencing the high they get from their addiction. There are other addictions people pursue that don’t involve drugs.
How about money, power, status as some examples. You can have great success at any and all of them, but if you continue doing it the rest of your life and never examine where you have been or where you want to go does it matter?
If you have never thought about giving back to society the fruits of your success, are you significant? If you think about significance, it doesn’t mean that it has to be big and splashy.
It just has to be done with intention and care. When the ghost of Christmas future departs in, “A Christmas Carol” Ebenezer Scrooge realizes that his significance lays in changing paths, moving from the earning phase and starting to work on the returning phase of life.
Have you made this transition? Last, remember life is for living and enjoying, you can’t save it up for some other time because you don’t know what the future will bring.
If you think about these changes, you will find that you will really enjoy retirement. I am here to help coach you on living life with gusto and to help you to keep moving forward with your plans on enjoying life.
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