The other day I was at funeral for a friend, and it started me thinking. There are a lot of companies that die, and I wondered why is there never a funeral for them?
When people die there is a wake for you to say a parting pray for those who died, it allows us to give our condolences to the family and have a chance to contemplate our mortality?
Do people mourn the passing of these companies? How about the employees, or maybe the suppliers, or last how about the customers and markets they serve?

The other question that came to mind is why did they die? Its not like they have parts that can’t be replaced. If they have a management that is keeping current with market demands the company should live forever!
The problem is their vision was either to narrow or did not reflect market changes. Ideally your vision should be broad enough that it will encompass events in the future.
Take a look at Disney’s Vision statement, “to be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information.”
It doesn’t dwell on how it is going to do it, nor does narrow what areas it will pursue. This has allowed it to have entertainment parks, produce movies, and Television Shows. It has retail merchandise, it produced VHS tapes, then move on to CD’s and now it is exploring streaming.
Think about what a different company this would be if its vision was just to entertain children, or focus only on animated movies. This statement is future oriented and broad enough to embrace the future.
Can you say the same about your vision statement? Is your vision keeping you stuck producing a better buggy whips, when the horse and buggy have been replaced by cars? If so contact me and lets revisit your vision and where you want your company to go.
At the beginning of the month I posted an exercise on looking back at last year. did you complete it? What did it tell you? Next post we start writing your vision & mission statement. I can't wait till we talk then.
I give seminars on creating or revisiting what your companies vision is and how to use it to craft your mission statement and your business plan on where you want to go.
Contact me at .
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