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Mathew 6:21 Your heart and money

This is a membership Morsel from “Too Young to Retire”. Today, we are continuing to

talk about money. There are so many aspects about it to explore from making sure you have enough (good stewardship) to not letting it dominate your life. Let us explore the latter.

Mathew 6:21 says that “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

So many people focus on amassing a wealth at the expense of relationships with family, and friends. They lose sight of what is really important as their jobs and career consumes their time and efforts. Sometimes without them even noticing it.

Have you missed out on what is truly important in life trying to lay up a fortune for old age? All religions tell you that this is not the important thing you should be focused on.

Why? Because you don’t know how long you will be on this earth. God did not give us a time clock saying we will live so many days and then we are done. You can die young or old, by accident, disease, or just old age.

How many people have you known who have laid up riches and forsaken the joy of living life thinking, “I can always do that later.” Only to die or become sick before retirement. Those I know I find that they are bitter. That they have been dealt with a bad hand and all the things they wanted to do they can no longer do.

Who lived a richer life, John Paul Getty who died extremely rich but was estranged from his wives, his children hated him, or someone like a Mother Teresa who had no net worth by earthly standards?

Money is neither good nor evil, and amassing money for retirement is not a bad thing. Being consumed with the accumulation of money to the extent you miss out on everything else in life offers is sad. What is important is where your focus is.

They lose sight of their real PURPOSE and why they are on earth and what good they can do. Are you thinking have I truly lost sight of what life is all about? If so come and join our group.

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