This is a membership Morsel from “Too Young to Retire”. Today, we are continuing to talk about Wellness and you.

HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! You have been hearing this for several days, if not for several weeks, leading up to Christmas and New Year. What does this mean besides enjoying as many parties as you can? With the start of a New Year, we have a chance to reset, make ourselves better. It’s a natural place to stop doing what you shouldn’t do and start doing what you should.
A lot of people decide that they are going to do something they have never done in the past or have stopped doing and want to re-start doing it again. These include losing weight, stop smoking, paying off bills or other specific things like exercising. Having a point that you want to get to is admirable, but you have to ask yourself if you didn’t accomplish this, would it be considered a failure?

I am proposing a new approach for the New Year. Rather than setting specific goals that you have to meet by a specific date maybe the approach should be a specific lifestyle, changes you want to make that will take you to those goals.
Rather than setting weight loss goals, set lifestyle changes that you need to make to reach those goals. Follow the eating & drinking plan for Weight Watchers, South Beach Diet or any of a dozen other lifestyle diet approaches. Each program offers a great lifestyle that is healthy and if you follow it, you will lose that extra weight. The great thing is you know every day if you are on track.
Say you want to be more physically fit. Set a goal of 10,000 steps a day. That is about 4.75 miles. If you figure 3 holes of golf is about a mile that would be walking 15 holes of golf. How about setting a goal of not sitting for more than 30 minutes and forcing yourself to get up and walk or do something standing else for 5 minutes before sitting back down. If you fail it is easy to get back on track and maintain your resolution.
You can set other goals for different areas. Say you want to be a writer; your goals could be that you don’t go to bed before you have written for 30 minutes. If you had set a goal of writing a novel like War and Peace you will probably fail, come next December 31st, but if you set a writing goal of 30 minutes per day and keep at it you can look back and say I did it.
Set your New Year’s resolutions using a different approach. Pick a lifestyle change rather than a physical goal, Something that takes you to where you want to end up. You will find that you will get closer to where you want to be because you will be always living it.
By being part of the 2 Young 2 Retire you will learn what other are thinking, and they will challenge you if you are becoming all that you can. We all need accountability partners that will not let us fluff off what we want to accomplish next year.
There are so many things you will learn that you should never run out of options. Sign up for our classes, join in the discussion and become part of our community about life after working at
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