You have seen two examples of pictures painted on traffic boxes. These artists had a vision of what they wanted people to see. Each was unique and when you only looked at part of one you never saw the whole vision.
In the February 28th post I offered three different views that different artists had. This one has a flower. Does it represent a garden? Or is there more to this then meets the eye?

o you ask yourself what is the artist saying? Is this from something around the town or is it an inspirational picture?
Is it something to take us to a higher plane or to a quiet spot and meditate. Below is the entire picture of all four side of the box.

What do you think about the head floating in the one frame. Is it observing the bees or are the bees and the flowers a figment of the persons imagination?
Your vision is so important as to where you are going and how you interpret things. Do you have a vision? Do you know where you are going or where you want to go?
If not contact me and lets revisit your vision and where you want your company to go.
I give seminars on creating or revisiting what your companies vision is and how to use it to craft your mission statement and your business plan on where you want to go.
Contact me at .
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