I have always wondered when people are asked to do something and they say they are too old, the question that comes to my mind is – Are they mentally or physically to old?
In my youth we used to play all sorts of games with each other. Most of the were outside and they had names like “Simon says”, “Dodge Ball”, "Follow the leader" or “Red Light, Green Light”. Rules were usually simple.
What for they all have in common? Its that children are enjoy companionship and having fun interacting with each other and living in the moment.
What vision do you have of yourself? Are you mentally deciding that at certain ages you should just automatically be excluded yourself from activities? When you do this you exclude yourself from the companionship of others

I can understand physical limitations, as I get older I seem to develop more of these. Some people I know though have stopped being playful like kids, and feel it’s not appropriate.
They have excuses like - I don’t do those things they are juvenile. They don’t seem to have fun anymore and can’t live in the moment like children can. So I wonder when did their vision of life change?
We are all rich, if not in money then in time. Are you making the most of your time and enjoying the here and now? Have you lost that sense of wonder and enjoying the simpler things?
Relationships, sunrises and sunsets, a good meal, having companionship while playing games? If your vision is of youth and wonder then you will never grow old and you will be rich in experiences.
If your vision is weighed down by life’s worries, and challenges and you can’t enjoy the here and now then you are old. Your vision sets the tone for your life.
Nothing is permanent so make the most of what is going on around you to grow in love, and experiences. Nothing is permanent and you have to make the most of all of life's seasons.
What does your vision of the future say about you? Is your vision keeping you stuck in the doldrums? If so contact me and lets revisit your vision and where you want to go.
I give seminars on creating or revisiting what your companies vision is and how to use it to craft your mission statement and your business plan on where you want to go.
Contact me at patterson.2y2r@gmail.com .
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