This is a membership Morsel from “Too Young To Retire." Today’s we are continuing to talk about purpose.
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be doing so many things that you only dream about? They are traveling somewhere in this world at different times of the year. They are doing things with their children or friends, going places and enjoying the everyday, while you sit home and wonder, “What is next on TV?”

Benjamin Franklin is credited with saying that "by you failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." How can you fail at retirement? It's almost a no brainer, sit in front of a TV and just watch shows all day. Don’t leave your house and explore what is around you. It's so easy to do nothing and then wonder why you never did anything or went anywhere.
I can tell its that you never decided where you want to go or end up. Actually, deciding where you want to end up is more important than what or where you want to go or do. Its because everything you do may or may not help you achieving what you want. There are so many options.
I have friends who love nothing better then taking care of the grandchildren. To them that is a fulfilling life. I have others who love to race, they go to Disney World every year for a 5K’s around the park and to get their medals for completing it. They often are at other races around the area and country and just have a blast. They tell me they know they will not be able to do this forever but they are going to enjoy it while it lasts.
I love to travel and my goal is to travel for 3 or 4 weeks each quarter somewhere in this world. I also want to start a new career to lead a discussion group on retirement and options. This means that I have to find a new career that allows me to travel. Helping other people fills this bill.
There are so many other approaches that work. It doesn’t matter if you are still working full time or have just decided to accept the buyout your company offered. What are my suggestions?
Take two years and figure out what you want to do. Explore, watch the grand kids, go on long weekends, or a three day cruise. Pick a path, any path and start exploring if it is the path you want. Then start planning on how you will achieve it.
Recognize also that this is not locked in stone but that as your circumstances change so may your plans. The goal is to live life to its fullest with intent! Do you feel that this discussion would be helpful, then join us at “Too Young To Retire."
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