This is a membership Morsel from “Too Young To Retire”. Today we are talking about Health and your vision for your future. Many people have a vision for their future and the it is based upon their health never changing.
I had never given much thought about health and how it affected what a person could do. Yes, I was overweight, but I exercised and kept my self active, even during the Covid shutdown. I have learned that this was not enough to not have an effect on my health.

I found one day that I woke up and I had Cellulitis. It is a disease that is an infection of the skin and almost derailed a planned trip that my fiancée and I had planned.
My ankle blew up four times its normal size and it traveled up my leg. Only by going to the hospital was I able to get on the road to cure it. I am able to travel again after a solid week of treatment but it got me thinking.
Many people think they will never be sick. I know one couple who had great plans for world travel that they were going to do once he retired. They never went on trips or traveled the entire time he was working.
He pinched a nerve in his neck just before he retired, and after an operation to fix it he found that he could barely walk, no longer fly, limited how long he can ride in a vehicle and was in pain all the time. All they can do is travel by Winnebago. Don’t put off to tomorrow what you can do today.
I mention them because you never know when your health will fail you. Take time to travel with your spouse and enjoy the world while you are healthy. Enjoy life and don’t hold back.
Getting people to think about these things is an important part of Too Young To Retire. Through our community we are providing an outlet to people who want to enjoy life. There are so many ways to choose you should never run out of options.
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