This is a membership Morsel from “Too Young to Retire”. Today, we are continuing to

talk about money and your view of income during retirement.
I listened to a Youtube video where Simon Sinek was talking about the types of games out there. You have finite games and infinite games. In finite games there is known players, fixed rules, and an agreed upon objective. Then you have infinite games, these games will have both known and unknown players, rules are changeable, and the objective is staying in the game as long as possible or until one party or the other drops out.
What does this have to do with your money or retirement you ask? It has everything to do with your life once you decide that it is time to leave your career and pursue a new life style at the end of your career.
If you have been thinking about the way society has been conditioning you, your approach might be to work till you are about 55, maybe 62 or 65. At that point you would gather up your monies in the pension or 401 K and invest them in a fund that will pay dividends for the rest of your life. You would sit back in the easy chair and watch life pass you by.
This would be a finite game approach, with a beginning, middle and end and the assumption is the rules will never change.

But what if the rules start to change? Prices are no longer stable, think inflation, Your medications and housing cost keeps going up faster the n your social security. Transportation costs like gasoline starts to skyrocket. Food is getting more and more expensive and you start wondering if you can afford it.
That’s the problem with looking at retirement as a finite game. You get to the end of the game and the rules change and you no longer have the monies to afford living the way you want to long term.
Now if you approached retirement as an infinite game, you would make different decisions. You would prepare for new careers after you leave the current one. You would not look at the 401 K as the vehicle that will provide all your funding in retirement. You will look upon it as part of a portfolio of income sources that you will draw upon. It could look like some income from social security, some from rental property, some from a 401 K and you may also have earned income.
Then if the rules change again, which they will, you will have the flexibility to do other things and bring in income from other areas. Did I say you couldn’t pursue your dreams when you retire? No, it means that you now are not locked into one career and rather then retiring you will look at the opportunities that exist after your current career.
You have to look at life after retirement like a smorgasbord where you can taste a little of this and a little of that and then decide what meal you want to buy. The feast is huge and everyone is invited to participate, but many will not. They will plod along following the old Paradigm.
What is your choice? Does your game end at 65 or does it go on forever?
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