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How many times have you been driving along the Expressway and it started to sprinkle just a little. Your windshield has collected a spattering of bugs as you drove down the road.

You don't pay any attention to it because it's not blocking your view. As you go along it starts to rain a little and you turn on your windshield wipers.

All they do initially is make your windshield look like a blurry mess. As you continue it starts raining harder and harder and soon you no longer can look at what's beyond the windshield.

All you see is the windshield with all the rain on it. The wipers slowly clear the bugs and the rain and it's at that point that you can see again where you are going.

This is a lot like life. How many times do we get so wrapped up in our daily life that all we focused on is just what is immediately in front of us, like trying to look through the messy windshield.

We don't see what's coming down the road. Do you take time to turn on those figurative windshield wipers every now and then to clear all the debris on the windshield so you can see where you are going?

I hope you will join me on this trip called life, and make sure you are not only paying attention to what you see as immediately in front of you but you also pay attention to what the future can hold coming down the road.

This Friday I will touch upon the financial issues that happen when making the transition from Earning to Returning life phases. Last, remember life is for living and enjoying, you can’t save it and store it in the bank because you don’t know what the future will bring.

If you think about these changes, you will find that you will really enjoy the Returning phase of life. I am here to help coach you on living life with gusto and to help you to keep moving forward with your plans on enjoying life.

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Robert Patterson,

Certified Facilitator 


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