This is a membership Morsel from “Too Young to Retire”. Today, we are continuing to

talk about work and whether you should retire.
There is a saying that work at what you love, and you will never work a day in your life. This is a great truism. I want to tell you another story of a fisherman and my experience with him.
One of our suppliers rented a charter boat out of Irondequoit Bay near Rochester one year. My partner and I accepted and drove out to where the boat was docked. We had to be at the dock by 5:00 am, which meant we had to leave Buffalo at 3:30 am to arrive on time and settle in.

There was a man and his wife running the boat and they had coffee and donuts for us. Now, even thought it was July we were told to bring coats because Lake Ontario is only about 50 deg. F. and there was a fog which made it feel even colder.
We launched and the Captain headed out following his GPS through the harbor entrance, where we finally found the spot his finder said was rich in fish. The Captain and his wife set up the pole and gave each of us a rod and soon we were reeling them in.
As the day went on, I asked the Captain what he did for a living. He said he worked for Kodak full time and operated this charter on weekends and his vacation. I told him I felt bad he was using his vacation time to take out our charter.
He said don’t, if I didn’t have anyone else on this boat, my wife and I would still be out here. When I retire, I plan on operating this full time in the summer and then in the winter take it down to Florida and fish full time in the winter down there.
I was impressed, here was a man and his wife with a plan for doing what both of them and still making money while doing it when they retire. Do your retirement plans include something that you both love and allows you to make money at the same time?
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