This is a membership Morsel from “Too Young To Retire." Today’s talk is about work and it is one of the five areas that “Too Young to Retire” addresses.
The address at the beginning of the week talked about what if you loved the work you had been doing for the last 30 years, do I have to give it up? The answer is no, keep doing it as long as you can!

There was a time that the Federal Government penalized you for working past 65 and collecting Social Security. They wanted to open up jobs for the baby boomers at the time and delay payouts in social security. That was changed so that a person can now do both.
What are the advantages of continuing to work past 65? First is that you will extend the time frame that your monies will last when you do decide to stop working. You will also keep your finger in the business community, and you will not lose an important part of your social network.
When I worked as a laborer, I remember a superintendent telling me that when you reach 65 it is a lot easier making a living using your head and not your back. I took those words to heart. Those occupations that usually keep you working don’t involve using the back.
These professions include Lawyers, Doctors, Teachers, and Professors, plus many more. Often, people find that they have many years of good service in them.
Even if you are working as a professional, recognize that this may be the time you want to explore doing something outside the box. Do not get trapped on auto-drive and never explore other options.
Live with gusto and keep pushing forward with your plans to enjoy life!
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