This is a membership Morsel from “Too Young To Retire”. Today’s talk is about Health and it is one of the five areas that “Too Young to Retire” addresses.
Health seems to be one to those elephants in the room that everyone is concerned about but people struggle to do anything about. Your health affects your plans, there is no avoiding this. A lot of the issues can be addressed with proper planning.

We always assume that we will have perfect health. For many of us this is true and we go well into retirement with no issues at all. What if this is not so? Life deals you a faulty organ and you are suddenly a long term diabetic. Your knees start failing and you can’t go up stairs. You develop an issue with your back and can no longer walk distances.
This was something that I experienced. When my late wife and I first started to travel, walking was not an issue. As the years went by her diabetes acted up and she started to have more issues with her feet. This meant that she could do limited walking and stair climbing. It didn’t mean that we had to confine ourselves to home.
We looked for ways to travel and to tack on vacations when I went to conventions and training classes in other cities. We found that most airlines and trains were more than willing to assist us in getting around airports and boarding.
We were able to go to Hawaii, Florida, Pennsylvania, Nevada, California, across New York State and even on a trip to Alaska. We were able to take a cruise from Vancouver, Canada to Whittier, Alaska. We took a train ride with a side trip to Denali and even saw Mt. McKinley. It was all available for those with limited walking abilities.
This Health issue created other problems like keeping insulin cold, making sure we had meals when we were supposed to, and picking activities that were within her limitations. We had fun and enjoyed life.
If you have issues with health, there is no reason with a little planning that you have to sit at home and do nothing. Do not let this color your thoughts either before or after retirement. Live life with gusto and keep pushing forward with your plans on enjoying life.
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