"Living without a definite major purpose promises nothing but a scant living." Napoleon Hill
“You may get by in life without a Definite Major Purpose, but you will never get ahead. Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement. Financial goals in particular should be specific, definite, and measurable.

You should know what you plan to earn, by when, and how you plan to do so. The greatest advantage of financial security is the peace of mind that comes from knowing that whatever challenges life brings, you are equipped to deal with them.
You will be better at whatever you choose to do because you can focus on opportunities instead of struggling to eke out a living.” Napoleon Hill Foundation
I was always told that if you don’t know where you are going then you have already arrived at your destination. That’s a really sad statement because there are a lot of people I know that are content where they are in life, and they have no plans on bettering themselves.
They have reached what ever pinnacle they set for themselves. What they don’t realize is that it is like reaching the pinnacle of a mountain. You have only completed half the trip.
Robert Buford in his book "Half-Time- Moving from Success to Significance" talks about the most dangerous part of climbing Mt Everest is going back down, you are tired, off guard and you are not as cognizant of the dangers you will encounter.
In fact if you look at a mountain like Mount Everest more people are killed going back down then going up. It is referred to as the “death zone”. Life is like that, you reach your pinnacle, maybe its retirement, maybe something else.
You become complacent and don’t pay attention, and think I can just coast from here on out. Then discover several years out that things are not working the way you wanted, your monies are evaporating faster then you thought, your plans are not working out.
You now realize your contacts are gone, your skills are obsolete, and the world has changed to the point you can’t adjust. Don’t be this person, take life by the horn and keep pushing forward till you are pushing up daisies.
If you want to change, contact me and lets revisit your vision and where you want your company to go. I give seminars on creating or revisiting what your companies vision is and how to use it to craft your mission statement and your business plan on where you want to go.
Contact me at patterson.2y2r@gmail.com .
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