Do you remember what it was like when you were a small kid and it seemed like the summer would last forever. Your days stretched on and on and you had more time on your hands than things to do.
Now fast forward to today. You feel you need another 10 hours each day to get what you want done completed. The weeks seem to fly by and before you know it the year is half over. You ask, “How can this be?”

Part of this is the perspective that when you are a 10-year-old kid, a year represents one tenth of your life, whereas for a sixty-year-old it is one sixtieth of your life. You have so much more history than what is happening now, it is crowded out by all the past experiences.
Time seems to fly by so fast. You realize that you don’t have the luxury of having another sixty years. You realize that if you want to do something that you have a develop a sense of urgency and to prioritize what you want or need to do.
Too many people never develop this sense of urgency and before they realize it they are no longer able to pursue those plans and the opportunity is lost. Are you one of those people?
If you don’t want to be one of them then make up that bucket list, prioritize it and then start working it. Last, remember life is for living and enjoying, you can’t save it up for some other time because you don’t know what the future will bring.
If you think about these changes, you will find that you will really enjoy retirement. I am here to help coach you on living life with gusto and to help you to keep moving forward with your plans on enjoying life.
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