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Rehabilitation Center first three days

 I thought my diary entries unedited would be appreciated rather than sanitizing them.

April 25, 2024, Thursday- Tried to write in my diary, but I couldn’t write a straight line. It wandered down the page and after a line I gave up. Waited all day for being transferred and the van finally came at 6:00pm.

Admitted at Elderwood Thursday night at 6:30pm. When I was transferred Mary Kay brought over a razor and toothbrush for me to use. I forgot distilled water for my CPAP machine so John picked it up on Friday and brought in a gallon.

          April 28th, Friday - I was evaluated – able to get up out of bed but needed someone to lift my legs in and out of bed so I could pee. Barely made it a couple of times before the aid showed up.

I discovered that since the bed goes up an down I can raise it up to where I am standing on my leg, and when I get back lower it with me sitting on it so it is easily swung on to the bed by the aides with less hurt.

          April 29th, Saturday – no PT or OT to do over the weekend, first bowel movement, got a commode that fit over the toilet. I used it but it made an airline toilet feel spacious. Wiping myself a real issue, had to stand up to do it.

April 30th, Sunday– no PT or OT over the weekend – able to get up out of bed but needed someone to lift my legs in and out of bed so I could walk to the bath room to pee. Barely made it a couple of times before the aid showed up.

She took me at 6:30am. Learned to pee standing up first, then turning around to try and poop. First Shower since the surgery, there is no place for modesty, so you might as well be proud of your junk and enjoy getting washed and rinsed off.

More on my experiences on Thursday. I have an ear that would love to hear your stories. Let’s taste the real meaning of life. I am still working on my course with a goal of launching a starter course by June 30th, and I will keep you abreast as to how the process goes.

If you want to participate in this process and join my first class please send me an email to 

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