May 1st, Monday - I started PT today for one hour. I will start going on a regular basis now. I showed the therapist how I could lift my operated leg by myself using my other leg to assist. Hurts like hell but works.
The first thing they wanted to know was how many steps to get into my house. Then did I have a walk in shower, was my bedroom on the first floor, and last was someone else living there with me? In other words was my house ready for a handicapped person.
Finally normal bowel movements. I am getting good at getting in and out of bed. PT wanted me to use the wheel chair to go to their studio. I am insisting on walking to PT figuring the more I walk the faster I will get out of here.

My pain Ball was removed today. It was totally gone on Sunday but there was no one to remove it. I peed on my cloths when sitting on the toilet so I now have a new routine, I pee standing up, then turn around and try to poop.
I then don’t have to worry about a stray squirt spraying my cloths on the floor in front of the toilet. I am also dressing myself by sitting on the toilet. I thread my bum leg through the underwear first then my other into my shorts.
I didn’t bring pants because shorts were so much easier to get into and out of. I pull the cloths almost up to the knee and then stand up and pull everything all the way up. I find I need to schedule my peeing every 2 to 3 hours like clockwork. If I am debating about doing it then I go.
May 2nd, Tuesday – OT heard me complaining about why does a retired person need OT. I quickly learned that there were two different areas they were concerned with.
PT is exercising the knee and getting it fully functional. OT is whether you will thrive on your own, dealing with the refrigerator, shower, standard beds, etc. I have PT and OT each for one hour.
Today I used the toilet for the first time without the commode. Struggled to get up and down but so much nicer than using the commode. Getting down to a routine, pee first, turn around and poop next.
PT hurts like hell, the therapist pushes me past hurting but I struggle through it. I find that I am sleeping about an hour after I get back to my room for every half hour of PT or OT each day.
May 3rd, Wednesday – Big events today where PT an OT each for one hour. More stretches, getting water from fridge, refilling pitcher, getting stuff from cabinets, etc.
May 2nd, Thursday - PT for one hour and OT for one-half hour. I am getting good at climbing out of the rehabilitation center bed, I drop the bed to its lowest level, get my leg on the floor, then raise the bed up to the highest level before I try to stand.
So much easier that way. When getting back in I sit at the edge of the bed, lower it down to its lowest level, lower the back flat, then slide in and up toward the head.
I swing my legs onto the bed then raise it up to normal level without the help of an aide. This was first day I was on a bicycle. I think this is a critical exercise, but I can’t go all the way around, so I pedal one way , hold, then the other as far as I can and hold. I practiced more stretching, and practiced getting up and out of chairs & recliners
May 3rd, Friday - PT one hour and OT for one-half hour. I am walking better with the walker, I used the bicycle again, stretches, upper body exercises. Today I walked to community room in the evening with the walker and played scales on the piano.
I didn’t bring my glasses so I couldn’t read any of the music on in the bench. I made a mistake earlier and put my clothes on the floor next to used washed cloths. An aide was cleaning up and picked them up.
I didn’t realize it till later that day when Mary Kay came in and asked for my cloths to take home and wash and they were not around. I later learned that most of them came back after four days of asking. I found I needed to request a notice on my door that family does my laundry.
May 4th, Saturday did PT on my own – practiced piano for 1 hour, still using walker but able to move faster and much surer on my feet. Watched the Kentucky Derby with Mary Kay.
She brought in snacks that we ate while watching the Derby. The food here is uninspiring. Next week my last week in rehabilitation. I have an ear that would love to hear your stories.
Let’s taste the real meaning of life. I am still working on my course with a goal of launching a starter course by June 30th, and I will keep you abreast as to how the process goes. If you want to participate in this process and join my first class please send me an email to
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