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Visions of Street Art

I hope you remember the blogs I wrote on February 11th and February 18th. If not you can go to and see them again.

You can see how much only looking at only a sliver of a picture versus the whole vision can differ. With the one on the 11th depending upon the side you looked at, you might never see the guitar or the heart.

It is the same with the birds in the February 18th blog. You might see part of a red bird or yellow bird but you would never see all three of the birds.

Below is slivers of three more traffic boxes with street art. Can you guess what the entire vision of each one looks like? I will publish the entire vision of each in future blogs.

Now lets talk about your corporate vision. Do your people get the full picture or only a slice? How complete is it?

See if you can envision what each artist had in mind for his or her creation. If you can’t envision what somebody else wants you to see from a sliver of it, can your clients and employees envision yours?

Let’s work together and complete the picture that you want everyone to see. Contact me and lets revisit your vision and where you want your company to go.

I give seminars on creating or revisiting what your companies vision is and how to use it to craft your mission statement and your business plan on where you want to go.

Contact me at

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