Did you know a Shark can never stop swimming or they will suffocate? Unlike Clams and sponges that never move, which are stuck in their own little spot in the world with no chance of experiencing new things. They just sit where their home is and live with whatever happens to them.
People are like that. If you stay in the business of people, you will always be on the go, have contacts, always have opportunities and always be aware of what is happening around you.

If you retire and just hibernate in your own little corner of the world you will eventually lose those contacts, you will lose those opportunities. I know, I experienced this and I am working my way to becoming a shark.
I have started reading a new book called, “Live life in Crescendo” By Stephen Covey and his daughter Cynthia Covey Haller. They content that people are either growing or diminishing. There is no middle ground.
All people are pretty much the same – striving for happiness, and being valued, with the same hopes, fears and dreams. Wanting to be understood, loved and accepted.
This book promotes that life is not a one and done event, but that your life becomes part of a rich tapestry of colors affecting all those around you. You live with a sense of purpose and unique mission.
You should continue to weave all the days of your life, balancing the physical, mental, social, and spiritual aspect of your life. Will you be using rich colors in your Tapestry or will the colors you choose slowly fade and the tapestry slowly cease to exist?
It starts with the mindset that your most important work is always ahead of you. Yes, you will experience life’s ebbs and flows, your direction may change because of events beyond your control. A job loss, death, injury but if you are grounded in fundamental principles of human behavior and interaction your tapestry will never end.
I am still working on my course and I will keep you abreast as to how the process goes. If you want to participate in this process and join my first class please send me an email to www.bobchuckpatterson@yahoo.com