When you retire financial people want you to invest all your money with their company. They then tell you how you will be able to enjoy retirement till you are 81 without changing your lifestyle.
My issue was what do I do with my life after 81? Do I live in poverty? Am I suppose to die before that date? What if I planned to live to 105 which I plan to do.

I wanted to talk about what is a realistic budget, what type of income might I need if I want to do certain things. Not about their sale of services.
Having been an engineer, and having been a finance minor with my MBA it became apparent to me that Social security with a 401K you would quickly lose buying power over a decade after you stopped working. This is especially true if we go through a period of rapid inflation.
One of the items in my course will be discussing what retirement activities should a look like. Budgets are a starting point and guide but not the holy grail. How much for food, how much for housing, how much for insurance. How fast will your buying power decrease on your social security and 401K at 6% inflation.
It is interesting that the college I teach at has a math course for the students that actually teaches them how to develop a budget. What to spend on housing, food, medical and finally entertainment.
It is something that should actually be taught in high school, but at least some students get it in college. What is also needed is a course on shaping your retirement to get the most out of it. Not focus on investments but what lifestyle do you want and can afford.
Having a person manage your investments is great but helping you manage your retirement is where I come. This will be the focus of my course helping you get the most out of retirement.
If you want to participate in this process please send me an email to www.bobchuckpatterson@yahoo.com
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