I keep writing about how people should be grabbing life by the horns and doing more or changing something in their life. Pursuing purpose, having goals, trying other things.
As a person transitions to the third phase of their life it’s not just about more skills, more knowledge, more things to do. It is putting all that experience and knowledge to use for a better life.

I do not think I have written about the other thing you have to do. That is cutting loose old baggage that is cluttering up your life and preventing you from moving forward.
It could be activities that have crept into your daily routine.
It could be habits, or beliefs that a one point in your life were helpful but now they are getting in the way. As you grow, as your circumstances change, as you look to new horizons you need new habits, beliefs, and maybe new mentors to help you grow.
That means you need to ditch old ones that are probably holding you back. One thing to remember is that letting go does not mean you will lose it. It means making room for the new, the exciting, the stuff that is going to propel you forward.
The analogy I read was that this is like cleaning out the garage so you can finally put your car in it. Is it time to work at recognizing that there is dead weight that needs to be dropped.
It is not an easy process because the old stuff has a home in you and it feels very comfortable. I believe in you and that you can do the hard work that will make the third part of your life a pinnacle that everyone looks up to.
The third phase of life, the returning phase is your chance to seize that opportunity. Are you a symbol of hope and inspiration to those around you? Do you wonder what you can give to help those who follow you?
If you have struggled with these questions and issues then Patterson2Y2R should be a place you should visit. Share your stories and challenges.
I have an ear that would love to hear your stories. Let’s taste the real meaning of life. I am still working on my course with a goal of launching a starter course by June 30th, and I will keep you abreast as to how the process goes.
If you want to participate in this process and join my first class please send me an email to www.bobchuckpatterson@yahoo.com