It is tough when a person has limited knowledge of some of the items that need to be done to make the system work as it should. Those of us who didn’t grow up with the internet find it both impressive and daunting.
I can remember the early days when everything was first on paper cards, then paper tape, then on floppy disks, and if you wanted to use the internet that you dialed it up on a phone line. Half the time you dialed it up and would get partway through your email and the signal would be interrupted and everything would be lost. Ugh!

Happily those days are past, now we have a cloud and a web services that for the most part have become something that we access on a daily basis. You no longer have to load 30 – 3” floppies to load a program.
My current computer has more RAM memory than my original computer had in its hard drive. The new advances make offering courses on line easier than ever.
It doesn’t mean I know the technology's, but delivery is more convenient and it allows the curriculum to be revised on a weekly basis. It offers flexibility and interaction that before could only happen in a live class-room experience.
I will have 3 curriculums to be discussed and I will be looking for what is needed to improve them and have them deliver a meaningful and enlightening experience.
I will keep you abreast as to how the process goes. If you want to participate in this process and join my first class please send me an email to
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