"Its never to late to set new goals or dream new dreams" C. S. Lewis
In this last blog on the book “Living a Thousand Years” he goes into why working hard and pursuing meaningful goals with work that aligns with your values work will help you stay motivated.
He wants us to take time to work hard toward meaningful goals because these are essential for personal fulfillment and success. When we align our work with our core values, it becomes more than a task—it becomes a purpose.

Pursuing goals that resonate with who we are provides a sense of direction and pride, driving us to stay motivated even during challenges. Motivation thrives when we break our goals into manageable steps and celebrate small victories along the way.
By consistently striving for what matters most, we create a legacy of effort and purpose that enriches our lives.
He then talks about how forgiving and letting go of grudges helps you to move forward by not letting the past consume your thoughts and causing you to not move forward.
He feels that this is equally important and we have to learn to forgive and let go of grudges. Holding onto past hurts keeps us anchored to negative emotions, preventing us from moving forward.
Forgiveness is not about condoning wrongs but freeing ourselves from their grip. When we let go, we create space for healing, clarity, and personal growth.
By releasing the weight of resentment, we open ourselves to new opportunities and allow peace to replace bitterness. This is something that Jesus preached.
Next, he wants us to take time to overcome our fears and stepping outside our comfort zones.
He feels this will help us take on new challenges and is a powerful way to grow and discover hidden strengths. Fear often limits our potential, keeping us from pursuing dreams or tackling new challenges.
By embracing courage and facing fears head-on, we build confidence and resilience. Each step outside the familiar expands our world, showing us that we are capable of far more than we imagined.
Last he stresses that you need to take breaks, and reevaluating your priorities on a regular basis so that you can reset yourself. This is crucial for maintaining balance and perspective.
Life’s demands can be overwhelming, and taking breaks allows us to recharge and reflect. Embracing renewal through rest or reevaluating priorities helps us focus on what truly matters.
It’s an opportunity to let go of what no longer serves us and realign with our goals.
My closing thought is that in this cycle of working hard, forgiving, overcoming fears, and resetting, we can create a life that is both productive and deeply fulfilling.
The book is a fun read and even has an exercise where you can find how many years you have already lived. If you have struggled with this question and others then go to Patterson2Y2R,com/blog should be a place you should visit to share your stories and challenges.
I have an ear that would love to hear your stories. Let’s taste the real meaning of life. I am still working on my course with the goal of launching a starter course, and I will keep you abreast as to how the process goes.
If you want to participate in this process and join my first class please send me an email to bobchuckpatterson@yahoo.com