I am ramping up for my course offering and planning on having a launch sign-up on December 15, 2023. I am finding that there are a lot of things I have to do in preparation for it.
My organizational class will be on the following Tuesday, December 19th at 7:00pm. It will be a zoom meeting and I will have a selection of agendas and topics that I think will be of interest to the group.

What is my greatest fear – its that no one will sign up to particite in the class. My initial class will be offered at $275.00 and this will entitle those who sign to be a forever member of the class, and to have a 50% discount on any extras that I will be offering in the future. After this class it will be $550.00 to join.
What will my class cover – that is a topic that will be discussed in the first class. I am thinking that it could go in several directions. That includes lifestyles in retirement, spending habits that can be improved, activities and exercise, travel, dealing with the loss of friends and family.
There are other areas that need discussion and if there is interest I would bring in experts in the different areas to start us off on exploration of those agendas. I will be setting up the course, email and payment system over the next couple of weeks.
I will keep you abreast as to how the process goes. If you want to participate in this process please send me an email to www.bobchuckpatterson@yahoo.com
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