In Crescendo Covey and Haller has a lot of great thoughts in Chapter 3 which is devoted to the Thought that “People are More Important Than Things!” What a revelation.
They talk about a song that says “we may never pass this way again.” That is so true, because once the day has passed, conditions will never be exactly like they were at that time.

My father-in-law held a grudge against his two brothers because he felt they didn’t do enough to help the parents before their death. He held this, I believe, for 30 years before he finally let it go when one of them passed away.
He made peace with the other brother, and they talked often over the next five years before the second passed away. It was a sad loss of relationships that took a fatal event to fix.
It’s the old thought that you harvest what you sow. When he was mad at his siblings the loss was of family relations and shared history. When he forgave his brother for dealing issues in his own life and not the parents issues, he regained family connections.
Are you struggling with injustices that you have perceived committed by your siblings? Maybe the injustices were committed by a friend who is now a former friend?
Try following the recommendation in the Bible that forgiveness. Psalms 86:5 that the Lord is always ready to forgive, or Mathew 6:9-15 forgive other people when they sin against you. In Mathew 5:23-24 he talks about going to ask forgiveness from others, and again in Colossians 3:13 if you have a grievance against someone you should forgive them as the Lord forgave you.
Last, its just healthy to get it off your chest. It doesn’t matter if they will accept your forgiveness, you have done all you can do and just be open when they get to that point that it is now up to them. I am not saying forget but definitely forgive.
The third phase of life, is to short to waste time carrying grudges. You have to much yet to accomplish to make the most of life. Are you a symbol of hope and inspiration to those around you?
Do you wonder what you could do to make your life significant to someone else? If you have struggled with these questions and issues then Patterson2Y2R should be a place you should visit.
Share your stories and challenges. I have an ear that would love to hear your stories. Let’s taste the real meaning of life. I am still working on my course with a goal of launching a starter course by June 30th, and I will keep you abreast as to how the process goes.
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