I am reading a new book that has a lot to say that applies to retirement. The name of it is “First You Have To Row a Little Boat” by Richard Bode. It is a story about a man and his quest to make the most of his life.
He starts out with his quest as a boy to own and sail a 34 foot sailboat. His mentor refuses to teach him till he learns to row a rowboat. He reflects on his journey from the rowboat to owning his own sailboat and the issues he encounters along the way.

He learns to read the wind, and he cannot rigidly sail directly to his destination, whether it is a light house or harbor. He talks about where his life is trending and learned its the journey and not the destination.
I will talk about this book this week and next and the lessons it teaches us as we travel through the third phase of life. He talks about the storms that a person experiences, whether it is at sea or in life, which sometimes hit unexpectedly.
Your day can start off normally but then a shock hits, an unexpected loss. He talks about learning how to deal with storms. He discusses how the lessons he learned sailing helped him acquire resilience and faith, that God is with you and storms will pass.
How it helped him unlock parts of his human experience. I could relate because I have also experienced those figurative storms several times in my life which is why I am recommending the book to people. See you next blog.
If you have struggled with these questions and issues then Patterson2Y2R should be a place you should visit. Share your stories and challenges. I have an ear that would love to hear your stories.
I am still working on my course with a goal of launching a starter course by July 30th, and I will keep you abreast as to how the process goes.
If you want to participate in this process and join my first class please send me an email to www.bobchuckpatterson@yahoo.com