Did you know that the Apollo Moon mission in 1969 was off course 85% of the time. They made the moon by using thruster rockets to prod the spacecraft back on track with little bursts of propellant.
New Years goals are similar to that space craft, as it drifted to the moon. There are things you can’t control that make some of your goals hard to keep.

About now most people who set goals in the beginning of the year start letting them slide. That’s normal, my goals have slid a little.
Not because I didn’t want to do them, but things have gotten in my way. If you look at my post of January 5th, you will see one about exercising.
That hasn’t happened because I injured my knee and have been struggling to walk. Course correction I am switching from weights to a watercise class.
I had another goal to teach 3 or 4 classes. Well, I recognized that was not totally in my control. I signed up to teach four, but two were canceled because of low enrollment. So, I make do with two classes which I put my effort into.
My weight goal is on track, down 1# each week. That is a struggle and when I each or drink I am now asking if this will further my goal. Sofar, So good.
The goal of doing things with the family has been affected by weather with driving bans and heavy snow. I watched the grand kids this past weekend, so I did do something with family.
I am slowly getting back on track with my goals. How are you doing? Is mother nature or some other force interfering with your goals? Is it time for a course correction? Little moves will put you back on track.
Have you picked up the book “Live Life in Crescendo” by Covey and Haller and are you reading it? I will start talking about Chapter 1 on Friday. See you then.
I am still working on my course, and I will keep you abreast as to how the process goes. If you want to participate in this process and join my first class please send me an email to www.bobchuckpatterson@yahoo.com