What are the steps to making a New Years Resolution that a person can keep? They are simple
1. Start small and make them measurable.
a. I want to get back to my weight when I was in college, some where between 160 and 180 by next January. That would be a 1# to 1.5# /week. That should be doable and measurable.
b. I want to post a video that supports my blog once a week – that should also be doable and measurable.
c. Maintain my course workload of teaching 3 to 4 classes a semester. While not totally within my control this should be doable and measurable.
d. Have a membership site up and running with my course by the end of February. Having at least one paid member. Again, doable and measurable.
e. Take care of myself. Exercising in some form 3 days a week. It could be walking a mile, swimming, or working out in the gym. Again, doable and measurable.
f. Last making time to do things with my spouse, children and grand children every week. Again doable and measurable.

2. Be consistent – check off on a daily or weekly basis each item.
3. Be realistic – I already do some of these things but not always consistently. All the items are with in my control with practice.
4. Track my goals – keep my eye on what I am doing at all times.
5. Stay positive – I recognize that I may not always be perfect and that is OK as long as I get back to the program
6. Build upon and existing habit – each of these items I am already doing in one form or another but not consistently. Now to develop that rhythm where these things become automatic.
I am still working on my course and I will keep you abreast as to how the process goes. If you want to participate in this process and join my first class please send me an email to www.bobchuckpatterson@yahoo.com