As I continue to read the book by Covey and Haller I am struck by their thoughts how important balance is in each phase of life. He stresses that a person should not sacrifice important relationships and experiences with those we love for temporal things.
One of the stories he talks about is how our society makes people who are very successful in life feel like failures. The story he talks about is a guy who had a wonderful marriage, a good career, helped his wife raise two children and get them through college.
He mourned that he didn’t make a million, and wasn’t a super star, The response was “You have to be kidding?” You have a great life and did everything right. Being responsible to your wife and children, participating in their lives and lives of your friends.
My grandfather would never be considered a success by what society promotes as being successful. He was a skilled carpenter, my grandmother and he raised 3 children, and enjoyed having us as grandchildren coming over to visit.
He lost a the family construction business in the depression, but was able to keep a roof over the families head in a house he built. Their retirement was enjoying doing things with the “Golden Agers” taking bus trips, and visiting other states.
They had purpose and enjoyed life up until the end. They didn’t fret about what others were doing or worry about keeping up with the Jones.
How about you. Are you content with how you have lived your life? Do you have direction when you get up in the morning? Then you are doing everything right.
If you wonder if there should be more than come and join in the conversation. Are you in the returning phase of life, do you wonder what you can give to help those who follow you? Do you wonder what you could do to make your life significant to someone else?
If you have struggled with these questions and issues then Patterson2Y2R should be a place you should visit. Share your stories and challenges. I have an ear that would love to hear your stories. Let’s taste the real meaning of life.
I am still working on my course with a goal of launching a starter course by June 30th, and I will keep you abreast as to how the process goes. If you want to participate in this process and join my first class please send me an email to
