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What Is Your Song?

Sunday was Transfiguration Sunday in the Christian Church. It is where we celebrate a major change that happened in the early church when God acknowledged Jesus as his son to the world.

When you enter your sixties, you also go through a major transformation, you transition from full time work consuming the majority of your time to a period where you are opening up a world of possibilities.

The question than becomes, “Do you hear your life song?” Maybe you are still at a point like most people where you are wrapped up in in the EARNING PHASE of your life. In the EARNING PHASE raising children, building your career, seeking wealth, and fame you have never stopped to consider the purpose of your life.

The third phase, the RETURNING PHASE, offers a chance to hear that song. What is the tune in your heart, do you hear the rhythm, beat and cadence?

“Slow down, you move to fast, you have to make the morning last.” These are the words from a song sung by Simon and Garfunkel. You can now explore life and its meaning and figure out how you want to give back with purpose.

Many people I know have never considered this question and are clueless that a question like this could even exist. Myself, I have struggled with it many times since my wife died, since I was abruptly bought out with no transition plan to retirement.

Since a business I built afterward was less than a success and I ended up selling it at a loss. I am still writing my life song, there have been many twists and turns that I didn’t expect which has made the journey interesting.

Have you struggled with these questions and issues then Patterson2Y2R should be a place you should visit. Share your stories and challenges. I have an ear that would love to hear your stories. Let’s taste the real meaning of life.

I am still working on my course with a goal of launching a starter course by June 30th, and I will keep you abreast as to how the process goes. If you want to participate in this process and join my first class please send me an email to

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